Compare X (Twitter) users and find mutual followers and friends.

Compare X (Twitter) Accounts

Compare X accounts to find common followers & followings and run hyper-targeted social media campaigns.

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Compare Twitter accounts

Circleboom Twitter management tool provides account analytics, follower/friends insights, tools to check, fakes, spammers, inactive accounts, advanced account search and delete tweets services.

Compare X followers


Comparing X (formerly Twitter) followers is a useful way to understand audience overlap, engagement rates, and growth potential. Circleboom allows you to compare followers between multiple X accounts, highlighting common followers and analyzing trends in user behavior. This helps you assess whether you're reaching new users or engaging with shared audiences across similar accounts. Through follower comparison, you can refine your outreach strategies, improve content targeting, and adjust campaigns to better engage with active or dedicated followers.

Mutual followers and followings


Compare two brands on the same niche and find their mutual followers. If those people are following these competitors on the same topic, this means they are interested in their services and products. It makes them a perfect target audience for specialized campaigns. If you can narrow your target, you can cut the expanses. You will get more engagement with lesser spendings. This is perfect for brands, influencers and agencies that are looking for generating high engagement rates for their social media efforts.

Compare Twitter influencers


Instead of collaborating with one influencer, you can compare two or more X influencers, find them overlapping followers and create an hyper-targeted audience who are following similar topics. This opens the ways for conducting social media campaigns for this special audience and get more impressions and engagement, compared to working with an influencer.

Plus, you can also compare Twitter influencers with Circleboom and get their engagement rates, follower growth graphs, follower counts, etc. If you want to collaborate with an influencer but have a limited budget, comparing influencers provides insights to decide which one to work with.

Potential partners


The common followers and friends of Company A and Company B might be strong, potential partners for Company C. Thanks to Circleboom’s X Account Comparison, you will find potential collaborators and partners for co-marketing, promotion and partnership efforts.

X follower segmentation


Not only common followers or friends, but also you can find different follower segments with Circleboom’s X Account Comparison feature. They are segmented by age, gender, language, location, etc. All these sub-groups have different needs, behaviors, preferences, dislikes, and interests. Therefore, if you can have a Twitter follower segmentation, you will be successful in your Twitter strategy!

Dedicated enthusiasts


Dedicated enthusiasts are users who follow multiple accounts focused on the same subject or niche, showcasing their deep interest in the topic. To identify these highly engaged users, you can analyze followers who consistently track two or more fan accounts in your niche. Once gathered, these enthusiasts present valuable opportunities for outreach and ad campaigns. Targeting dedicated enthusiasts allows brands to maximize engagement by reaching users already passionate about the subject, increasing the likelihood of interaction and conversions through tailored messaging.

Twitter DM Campaigns


When combined with Circleboom's "Dedicated Twitter DM Campaigns," this strategy becomes even more powerful. You can reach these highly engaged users directly through personalized DM campaigns, improving the impact of your communication. This seamless integration allows you to tailor messages, engage more meaningfully, and enhance your outreach efforts, whether for marketing campaigns or community building.

Be safe with Circleboom


Circleboom is the top choice for diverse users, spanning individuals, small businesses, corporations, and non-profits globally. What sets us apart? We strictly adhere to Twitter Rules, ensuring no actions that could jeopardize your account. Trust Circleboom for a secure and compliant experience on Twitter—you're in safe hands!

Compare X accounts


Why do you compare two or more users on X? If you know common followers and followings, you can create a specific target audience and run hyper-targeted social media campaigns and advertisements. This will increase your engagement rates and this way you can grow your audience and your earnings.

Compare X followings


Comparing X followings involves analyzing the accounts you or another user follows on X (formerly Twitter). Circleboom makes it easy to compare followings between multiple X accounts, allowing you to identify shared interests, key influencers, or untapped audiences. By assessing overlaps in followings, you can spot opportunities to diversify your network or strategically follow relevant accounts. This comparison helps enhance your social strategy by aligning your followings with accounts that offer valuable insights, engagement potential, or mutual interest.

Discover brand advocates


Comparing accounts on X and finding mutual followers can give you valuable insights like the possibility of discovering brand advocates. For example, you are in food business. Compare your two competitors’ X accounts with Circleboom and find their common followers. This audience is interested in your business area so it is possible that they will be interested in your brand, too. You can reach, collaborate with them, and make them brand ambassadors for your company in the future. Circleboom’s Twitter Account Comparison feature makes it possible to find specialized target audience from the big data!

Find content gaps


When you compare X accounts and find common followers, you can also discover some content gaps. After a close analysis of mutual followers, you will find out their interests and tastes. You can check you content strategy, find content gaps, redesign your future posts accordingly.

Social listening


Social listening is the process of monitoring social media platforms and online discussions to gather insights about a brand, product, industry, or relevant topics. When you find mutual followers of two brands in your business, you can extract great insights regarding social listening.

You will check their interactions and conversations. You can find demands, complaints, etc. of people and they will guide your product and business development, customer and support services, and your social media strategy overall.

Compare competitors


You can compare two or more competitors on any niche and find their common followers and friends with helpful statistics and analytics.

By analyzing the follower overlap between your account and competitors', you can uncover unique areas of distinction and identify your competitive edge. This insight highlights where your audience intersects, offering opportunities to tailor content, refine messaging, and strengthen positioning.

Additionally, understanding this overlap allows you to capitalize on areas where your brand stands out, leveraging follower behavior to enhance engagement strategies and build stronger connections with your target audience. Ultimately, it helps you discover untapped market potential or gaps in competitor engagement.

Create Twitter lists


With Circleboom's "Create List" feature, you can easily organize your Twitter experience by curating lists of specific users, including dedicated enthusiasts. These are the users who follow multiple accounts within a niche, showcasing their interest in particular topics. By gathering these enthusiasts into targeted Twitter lists, you can streamline content discovery, improve engagement, and tailor your outreach or ad campaigns more effectively. Circleboom helps you create well-structured lists that enhance your social media strategy and ensure you connect with the most relevant and engaged audience.

Compare growth rate on X


When comparing growth rates, especially on social media platforms like Twitter, it's essential to track how quickly your follower count increases over time relative to other metrics like engagement or reach. Tools like Circleboom provide analytics to measure this growth, helping you understand trends, and adjust strategies accordingly. You can analyze your growth against competitors or industry standards, ensuring your content resonates with your audience. Growth rates give insight into content effectiveness, audience interest, and the overall success of social media campaigns.

Get Started!

Do you want to have a new, cleaner appearance on Twitter? If so, maybe you should consider deleting your tweets, deleting retweets, or removing your old Twitter likes!

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